“Deepin Linux now offers facial recognition – but can you rely on China with your facial data? – BetaNews”


Is your facial data safe with deepin Linux?

Deepin Linux is a visually stunning operating system that has gained popularity among users. However, the fact that it is developed in China raises concerns about trust and privacy. With the introduction of facial recognition in the latest version, some users are hesitant to use it due to the lack of information on privacy and security measures.

While the Chinese government’s actions towards its citizens are a cause for worry, it is important to note that deepin is largely open source. But with the addition of facial recognition, can we trust China with our biometric data?

Facial Recognition in deepin 20.5

The newest version of deepin introduces optional facial recognition for accessing your computer. This feature is similar to Microsoft’s Windows Hello, but with Microsoft being a US-based company, there is a difference in trust levels. With deepin, can we be sure that our facial data is safe?

What does the announcement say?

The deepin 20.5 developers have shared a brief statement about the facial recognition feature:

Face recognition, one of the biometric authentication methods, is supported on adapted devices. After enrolling your face in Control Center, next time on the lock screen and the login interface, you can log in to deepin with your face ID.

However, this statement lacks any information on privacy or security measures, which is a cause for concern. When introducing such a significant feature, it is expected that the developers provide clear and detailed information on how user data will be protected. But this announcement does not touch on that aspect at all.

Should you trust deepin with your biometric data?

The decision to trust deepin with your facial data ultimately lies with you. However, the lack of information and transparency in the announcement may make some users uncomfortable with using this feature. It is advisable to wait for more information from the developers before considering it in the future.

Image credit: BiancoBlue /depositphotos.com

By deepin

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